
Chigbogu, Nnachetam Reginald

Advantages of Snails Farming
I. Environment
Snails are environment-friendly, because, snails’ droppings or the snails themselves do not have offensive odour like animals as pigs, poultry, etc. Droppings from the snails serve as manure which improves the organic content of the soil. Also, snails are small organisms and require limited space, therefore, they can be reared at the backyard.
II. Input
Snail farming has been proved to be a lucrative farming venture presently, as it requires far less capital investment when compared to other animal farms, while much profit is being generated in a considerable short period. Other inputs in snail farming such as, labour, financial and technical inputs are relatively low compared to other types of animal farming (fish, poultry, pigs, goats, sheep, and cattle).
III. Risk
The overall risk encountered in snail farming is generally low compared to other livestock farming. This is because snail diseases are very rare and their predators are few and can be prevented effectively from invading the snail pens.
IV. Market Potential
Presently, the demand for snail is higher than the supplies, as such, the market potential of snail is inexhaustible, locally and internationally.
V. Snail Meat
Snail meat is a good source of protein which is rich in iron and calcium, but low in fat and cholesterol compared to other protein sources like poultry, pigs and cattle.
VI. Snail By-products
Snail by-product such as snail slime has been proved to be of great importance in the pharmaceutical industry, cosmetics, manufacturing and fisheries industries.
VII. Foreign Exchange
Snail is an export commodity, which has more values in overseas countries. It is a foreign exchange earner of our days. Our climate is one of the best in snail breeding.
VIII. Running Cost
Snail farming in Nigeria requires very low running cost, hence their feeds are very local and readily available. It is also less time consuming.

Disadvantages of Snails Farming
I. Growth
Snails are relatively slow-growing animals. Furthermore the consumable meat makes up only 40% (maximum!) of the snail's total live weight. Consequently snail farming is not a way to make money quickly.
II. Climate
Without expensive artificial means of climate control, snail farming is restricted to the humid tropical forest zone, which offers a constant temperature, high relative humidity, preferably no dry season, and a fairly constant day/night rhythm throughout the year.
III. Cultural Limits
Snail meat is considered a delicacy by some, whereas others will not even touch it for religious or cultural reasons. The giant African snails/forest snails are considered a delicacy by people accustomed to consuming them, whereas other people, even within the same country, will not even touch, let alone eat them.
IV. Snails as a Pest       
Snails that have escaped from a farm, or been dumped by a farmer, may quickly develop into a serious pest in agriculture.
For these reasons it must be emphasized that snail farming should be seen as only one component in a diversified farming venture. But there are many examples of cases in which giant African land snails (GALS) were introduced to other parts of the world for farming, but were eventually dumped (or allowed to escape) into the wild for lack of market. Once the snails have been introduced, dumped or allowed to escape, they develop into agricultural pests. Without any natural elements, they end up destroying a wide range of agricultural crop and causing considerable economic damage.

For the full HAND BOOK/MANUAL on Snail Farming contact us via;

Other available HAND BOOKS/MANUALS include;
           Catfish Hatchery Business,
           Fish Farming, and
           Fish Feed Formulation and Production.

Nnachet Farms: Creation of Employments for Ourselves and Others  


  1. Beautiful blog😘😘😘😘😘😘


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